Sunday, September 7, 2008

Select a web address

Yo, friends

Some of our mates, voiced their thoughts to have a different web address for our blog which includes our college name. So, I decided to conduct a poll with a couple of names. You can vote them, if you like any.

You guys can also suggest any other name by choosing the fourth option. And have your say as a comment to this post.


Do vote without fail, man I had spent 3 hours now, to make our blog interesting. I had changed the navigator bar, added the hit counter at the bottom of the page, placed our college building image in the header, placed a poll, last but not the least, now it does not shows "Posted by XXXX", but "Who else can dare? Its me-->XXXX" when one pulls the leg of other. I can understand that you folks cannot spend much time as you cannot change the UI settings and layout, however you can, publish posts or at the least, vote the polls etc., The last poll had seen just 5 votes out of 26 contributors which is not heartening. I wonder, if this ratio is making any sense to all who do not bother "OUR BLOG". Lets hope this time, all the 26 votes gets casted and/or a few suggestions.


Anonymous said...


Vijay said...

Thnx 4 da suggestion but i am afraid, i cant use "NO COMMENTS" as the web address ;-)