Sunday, March 7, 2010

Hi Friends

Hope everyone is in high spirits. This time I really don't have a topic to blog about but I felt it has been quite a long time since the last post. It's already 2:30AM and for me the night is still young, I am not sure how many of you are wide awake. Actually I dropped on bed to get some sleep but it turned out to be a vain attempt. I took out my laptop and was hovering on folders and this one folder named “Personal” caught my eye. Was wondering about what files did I save in here and when I opened it… Whoa!! It’s full of photographs and videos related to the parties we had in MCA… what a party-animals we were!! Usually in other colleges people will have only two parties (a fresher and a farewell) but we had six parties, kudos to the kinda culture we had of inviting all three year students to each party celebrated. Hey…hold on a sec.. the battery is on low.. lemme switch my laptop to AC………… Yep, so I just played some videos and saw photographs; it is such a good feeling to recollect the days that went on. I wish I could be a poet to describe the emotions pulsating my heartbeat. I miss those logics from Kiran, the bad words from Raghu, the famous rasikata/rochu words from Ratan and many more. Don’t you?

Guys, its been a year since we are out from college. I think we all should plan a day and get together. I am sure you guys will watch those videos now but don’t just stop there, make a plan to meet and reply to the mail.

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