Sunday, December 14, 2008


It all started on a Teachers Day i.e., Tuesday, September 05, 2006 with everyone sitting in the swish seminar hall looking into each others face. With the introduction round started everyone tried to remember the 59 names but it was a little difficult task. Among them some were smart enough to greet teachers the Teachers Day making themselves noticeable for their presence of mind. Some were just blunt, not even wishing the morning greetings. Then the speeches started by the top brass of the Department and summing it up with tea and noshes. Also we got the syllabus copy, a time table, an ID card etc., It was a warm welcome, only multiplying our jubilation. Then we were guided to our class room and above the classroom a banner was welcoming us, it was from the seniors and supers. After a while the one and only Mr. Seeta Rama Rao, remembered we used to call him Seetaiah ;-) entered and gave a lecture on what the college is about, how to overcome the home sickness, asking us to feel free contacting him regarding any sort of personal and financial hiccups. It did not remained to words but he gave a land line and two mobile numbers. I remember his classic advice asking us to watch the Astha channel for gaining the mental strength in case of any ragging or home sickness. That day was truly of its kind, one can never forget.

In the first days the feeling of studying in Osmania University, also the feeling while walking in front of the UCOE-a Kakatiya architectural style and with its huge staircase, also a lawn in front of the college, the digital library in Diamond Jubilee Library, General Library, Impact Library, E-Resource Learning Centre for the missed classes, a separate Internet Lab open for 11 hours a day, even the kind of attention we got in the society was all overwhelming. However as the days passed it was all normal, coming to University was just like going to any other college. It went on for two years and the placement season commenced in April-May buying the MBD, AVF, submitting them etc., and it was on 23rd June '06 the first PPT by TCS at 9:00 am started and it was a busy and hectic schedule till 5th of July, cleaning the face fungus, pressing clothes, polishing shoes, applying face packs to make the skin look lively even at 6'O clock in the evening. It was all happening super fast. The season went on till 27th of September with CSC marking a pause.

Now with the fifth semester coming to an end on Friday, December 26, 2008 we are glad completing the masters. Look at the eagerness to celebrate the day, with the practical exams due on 26th, we already had a blast on 12th itself, after the completion of the last theory exam of the student life. At 5'O clock in the evening, not sparing a thought on the drastic RIA paper we all set to have a photo session at the UCOE, TDC, in the canteen munching and drinking the remnants of the day. Plans were on on how to spend the last semester as we have no subjects, just the lone project work. Some decided to play cricket daily, some were planning on excursions, but out of the 60 members 5 of us will miss this six precious months, people who don't have the internship offer and those who have offers can hang out on weekends as they are placed in Hyderabad itself and we have to be in Bengaluru, away from friends. That kept aside everything else is very pleasant and we left to our places hugging each other.

However, in these three years not everything was fine with everyone, some had misunderstandings with others and some are yet to be placed, some had broken hearts. I wish all the very best in their future endeavors. May all the success crown your efforts. Let me quote an sms here from my collection.............

"We love ourselves even after many mistakes. Then how can we hate others for their one mistake. Seems strange but true, think before you hate someone."

I hope, after this last semester we will be 60 individuals but united together and always remember..........

"This is a blog for our batch(2006-2009) to post anything under the sun which we like to share. It may relate to our blues, bliss, memorable events whatever, in these three years of togetherness and even to foster togetherness past 2009. As it goes "Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder"---this blog should cater the "Miss U" feeling. This should be a nostalgia after we bid farewell to ourselves. So what are we waiting for---Lets start blogging and also keep blogging."


Umamaheshwar Gupta Karnati said...

thanks ra for recollecting all our memories

Vijay said...

not at all