Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Hello friends! With 2009 just around the corner, its time to think of resolutions. Many of us take resolutions on a new year. And I am no different. I have a habit of taking resolutions on every new year. But the flip side of it is that I don't stand by it for more than a couple of weeks. You will not believe me, but its true that I don't remember the resolution I had made. I don't know the resolution I had made for 2008. The enthusiasm in making resolutions never lasted so long enough to realize it. I never used to disclose it to others nor I used to write down on a chart and paste it on the wall of my bedroom. It might be a reason for my carelessness, none can warn me if I am heading astray. However it did not cost me much as they were of a little importance as far I remember.

I don't think this is a case with me alone. So, for all those who has got any problems like this can just comment the resolution to this post and you know how our friends are. They will try to pull our leg when we make tall talks. They will definitely question us on the progress when we get together. Also as we frequently visit Our Blog, it will be a reminder of the resolution. By this there will be a fat chance of negligence. If some doesn't want to reveal their resolutions can write comment with just the starting letters of the resolution as I did.

The 2009 year is not just an another year but a year that transforms us from a student to a professional earning a livelihood, its the stage where people try to cite us as an example to our younger ones for worst and best. There will be a lot of eyes watching you keenly, for example our bosses, parents of the young daughters etc. Yeah seriously! So, without repenting much on the past resolutions let us start thinking about our resolutions for the year. I remember a quotation here-"Do not forget the past but do not live in the past".

Ring out the old, ring in the new,
Ring, happy bells, across the snow;
The year is going, let him go;
Ring out the false, ring in the true.                            by Alfred Tennyson.

I wish you all a wonderful year ahead and this might be the last logic of the year.
Q: Whats your resolution?
A: Its 1024X768 ;-)

1 comment:

Vijay said...

I want to make three resolutions for the year.
1) I A !T
2) W T
3) Want to see a new flip side.